The Tidal Sleep – The Tidal Sleep


1. Serpent Hug
2. Untitled
3. Derelict
4. Thrones
5. Inkbreath
6. Ghost Poetry
7. Tiburon

Hossz: 29:37

Megjelenés: 2012. április 27.

Kiadó: Szerzői kiadás

Webcím: Ugrás a weboldalra

To prove the Wave’s influence and conquest you can check out the „ad infinitum” nature of their Tumblr-tags or you can listen to the debut record of Tidal Sleep: a band which was formed in 2011 in Mannheim, Germany (!) and which kind of mixes the different sounds of this micro-scene (it’s quite possible that they don’t do it on purpose as they cite other bands that influenced them). For my ears it’s unquestionable that Touché Amoré, Pianos Become the Teeth and La Dispute had huge roles in the creation of TTS’s sound, since they play screamo with smacks of melodic hardcore and post-rock, and it results in something like the following: take Make Do and Mend out of the Wave, mingle it, and pour it in the form of great songs that are just as amazing as their influences. It’s pretty rejoicing to hear such a song structure like Delirict’s on a debut record, but I could hurrah the excellent guitar melodies (Thrones) that colour the song like a frantic Pollock, or simply the record’s dynamism (Inkbreath feels like one of the best Touché Amoré songs without ending after 100 seconds). They often change their emphasis, sometimes post-rock comes to the front, sometimes they go all La Dispute-y, but they don’t exaggerate these parts so they rarely sound like one specific band (mostly because not only the songs but the album itself has a nice and well-thought structure). Their lyrics are beautiful and they have a lot of memorable melodies but what this band really needs for their breakthrough is a „hit song” like Honest Sleep – even without this the wonderful Tiburon closes a 30 minutes long record, which not only justifies their presence on Defeater’s EU tour but puts them right among Europe’s top screamo bands. If they had been born in the States, Xerxes would be their guest in the fall and not reverse, but let’s just be happy that we can see these amazing bands in October. 8/10