Hot Water Music: klippremier!

Chuck Ragan és barátai, azaz a Hot Water Music új klippel rukkolt elő a minap legutóbbi Exister c. lemezéhez, mely már a Rise Records égisze alatt jelenhetett meg. A videó a State Of Grace c. dalhoz készült el és a leírásban mellé rögtön olvasható a szövege is, amit ide is kimásoltunk nektek.


Oh, I for one may not shy away from the fact that I’m sick and too tired to stand this.
It all seems contagious.
I know a few would back that up, can’t say a few is not enough to skip a beat in this motion sickness, I’d second that emotion.

Our state of grace is gone.

Oh, I for one don’t want to die, old and in the way from poison cause I hate the taste of medicine.
We all hate the taste of medicine.
I know a few would back that up, can’t say a few is not enough to skip a beat in this motion sickness, I’d second that emotion.

Our state of grace is gone.
Our state of grace has gone away.

Our state of grace is crumbling.
I fear we’re good for nothing and simply disintegrating into the terra firma.
Our state of grace is gone.
May we combine tradition, science and innovation to benefit what’s ailing?
Our state of grace is gone.